Allen Lim

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Monday, November 13, 2006

Handphone number and bank(s)

Since September, I made some short trips to Penang, Malacca and KL for work and personal reasons. I received some marketing calls from a local bank promoting credit cards and over-draft products on my handphone. As i have received the calls in Malaysia, i was charged IDD rates. The amount is significant. When I voiced this matter to the bank, i was made to talk with a machine operator. Obviously the matter was being pushed aside.
I find that the banks are very in-sensitive when dealing with customers. The handphone number which i have given to them is a privilege information, and it is with good faith that this number will only be used on emergency to contact me, as a bank account holder. One example of emergency is when the CEO of the bank is about to die or get sacked, so that I can quickly shift my saving deposits to the competitor bank next door.
Apparently, the bank has abused this faith by passing the handphone number to the marketing department to solicit business. I have found an effective way to over-come this irritable problem.
Step one, go to the bank and request to update your personal information. On the column of "handphone number" put "nil", and highlight to the officer that your current handphone number is no longer valid.
Step two, write on the information update form that you do not wish to be contacted for marketing calls, AND have the bank officer or branch manager endorse on the form.
Step three, physically copy down the name and ic number of that staff who endorse your update form to show them you mean business.
Since then, i have received no marketing calls from the bank and am able to travel in peace.
(*and yes, i did specify on the form my definition of emergency: Call me immediately(on my land line) when your bank CEO is about to die or get sacked, so that i can move my deposits to the competitor bank next door!)


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