A recent expeience in a death claim
2 days before the Chinese New Year eve, one of my client passed away. It was a bittersweet event, as he had been in coma for a few months after a series of heart attacks since last September. Death, as much as is a painful separation of the dead and the living; it is also a relieve to the client of physical pains and sufferings; not to mention the mounting financial stress on the family members.
My role is to ensure the insurance dollars reach the widow in the soonest possible time. Below is what I did:
15/2/07(Thurs), 8am: I received an SMS that the client has passed away. I alerted the insurer that a death claim will be filed on the client's 2 insurance policies.
16/2/07(Fri), 10 am: I visited the widow at the wake, photostated the death certificate, the ICs of the deceased and the widow, and submit to the insurer immediately.
17/2/07 to 20/2/07: Chinese New Year holidays.
21/2/07(Wed): Finalised the proper claimant (as the deceased dies without a will) amongst relevant family members, and endorse the death claim form.
22/2/07(Thurs): Submit marriage certificate of deceased and widow to proof relationship to the insurer.
23/2/07(Fri): The insurance cheques were issued and delivered to the widow.
When you discount the public holidays, the insurance dollars were available to the widow in 4 working days. Notice that in time like this, insurance dollars (of substantial amount) are not only made available to the widow, but also the quickest amongst ALL other assets including CPF, cash at bank, unit trusts etc. This is life insurance in action.
At 00:12,
Anonymous said…
Thumbs up for the commendable efficiency!
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